They say you can’t put a price on a
child’s happiness. Sorry, sweetie,
“they” aren’t your parents.
I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find any. It wasn't for sale in the grocery stores. It wasn't for sale on Quaker Oats' website. I checked all over the Internet and found nothing. Well, almost nothing. I did find it for sale on the U.K. and for $42. This seemed ridiculous to me, so I emailed the consumer relations link on Quaker's website and asked the following question:
Why isn't Cinnamon and Spice instant oatmeal available for retail sale in the U.S.? Other than its inclusion in the variety packs, it seems like it's only available as a single flavor overseas.
And several days later, I received this response:
From: <>
Subject: RE: Quaker Instant Oatmeal with Cinnamon & Spice , REF.# 027345449A
To: c*******@*****.com
Date: Monday, November 8, 2010, 10:15 AM
Thanks for contacting us about Quaker Cinnamon & Spice instant oatmeal. We're sorry you're having difficulty locating this at the stores in your area. However, I'm pleased to tell you that this has not been discontinued, and we're still making full boxes of this flavor of instant oatmeal.
Since ordering online is an option for you, and our Quaker Oats online Store doesn't carry this oatmeal, I did a search to help you out. I'm pleased to tell you that right at this time, has this oatmeal in stock and can ship it to your home. I invite you to visit their store at the following link for more information: (*blogger's note: This link is no longer valid for the $42 product, but they still have one listed for $39)
With regards to the stores in your area, I don't have a list of stores that carry this oatmeal, and this is why. Individual stores don't order products directly from us but rather through their distributors. The final decision about which products to stock at an individual store is up to the store manager, provided they are able to obtain it from their supplier.
So, if you want to purchase a product that is not available in your grocery store, ask the store manager to check with their supplier as they may be able to order this flavor for you. If this is any help when you talk to the store managers, here is the UPC code for this oatmeal: 30000-01350.
In addition, a variety of our products are also available in Wal*Mart, Target, and K Mart; as well as the club stores like Sam's, BJ's, or Costco.
All of that said, Chris, we have some new Quaker Instant Oatmeal products on the shelves, and I've mailed you a $2.00 off coupon so you can give them a try. Your coupon should arrive in about a week; enjoy!
Quaker Consumer Relations
A Division of PepsiCo
Ref# 027345449A
Here's what I know from my limited experience working in retail: If a product is available and it will sell - and this cereal will sell - a supplier will have the retailer stock the product because it's money in the supplier's pocket. If it's not available, it's because the manufacturer (Quaker Oats) isn't distributing the product to the suppliers. It's called withholding supply to increase the demand. That's one of the reasons we pay high prices for things like gas.
Had Jeff read the two sentences I wrote he would have understood that I knew the folks at Quaker were still making the product and I knew where it was available. In roughly six paragraphs, he did a marketing two-step around my question and simply regurgitated what I wrote. I wasn't pleased with the response I received from Jeff. I felt like he blew me off. I felt like he was responding because he was obligated to, as if whatever answer he sent to me would suffice and that I'd be happily distracted from his shitty response with a $2 coupon. I felt like writing him back. So about an hour later, I did.
From: Chris ****** <c*******@*****.com>
Subject: RE: Quaker Instant Oatmeal with Cinnamon & Spice , REF.# 027345449A
Date: Monday, November 8, 2010, 11:25 AM
Thank you for your response to my question. Believe me, I did my research and my inquiry was based not on the fact I can't find your product in my area, I can't find an American product IN MY OWN COUNTRY. I am familiar with the Amazon availability as I checked there before contacting Quaker.
I know Quaker is still producing the Cinnamon & Spice flavor because, as I said in my inquiry, it's available in the variety packs. If it was available in the U.S. I'm sure you would have told me I can find it in Indiana. However, my research tells me Quaker doesn't distribute the cereal as an individual flavor in the U.S. I'm sure Quaker knows this, and me being a person who appreciates honesty I would not have been hurt had you just said, "Sorry, Chris, unfortunately the flavor is not available as an individual item. Because Quaker values its customers and understands we can't meet all of their personal preferences, we would like to offer a coupon for..."
I understand your position is to put a positive spin on what the consumer sees as a company's oversight or failure or whatever you want to call it. However, I find the option of paying $42 for a 10-pack of $6 cereal as offensive as you being pleased to tell me about it. Here's a suggestion for your consumer relations career: If YOU wouldn't pay an exorbitant price for one of your own products, don't offer that as an option to a customer. Suggest that it "may be available on an on-line site, such as Amazon," apologize, send me a damn coupon, and wish me luck. Just be honest, Jeff.
Chris ******
I never heard back from Jeff, not that I expected to. Maybe Jeff responded to my initial query the way he was taught and could care less about being a douche. Or maybe he realized from my response to his response that any further attempt to correspond would only result in me making him seem like a bigger douche. OR, maybe my response never reached Jeff because it went into a consumer relations email pool from where it got the attention of Jeff's boss, who shit on him for being a douche and reassigned him to other marketing functions, like dressing up in the spoon costume and dancing with the guy in the bowl-of-oatmeal costume at elementary school nutritional education events.
I'm not a credit seeking whore, but I'd like to think that my efforts affected change here. I'd like to think a big corporation bowed to the pressure of the little guy. I'd like to think that today, on our local store's shelves between the boxes of Maple & Brown Sugar and boxes of Raisins & Spice, one can find boxes and boxes of Cinnamon & Spice instant oatmeal. All made possible because of a simple letter inspired by a father's love for his child. Sigh.
Yeah, I'd like to think those things are true, but I have to believe it was a coincidence. I have to believe in coincidence because, much like me being charming and good looking, a coincidence is the only rational explanation for why this occurred.
In any case, my little girl is getting her oatmeal, albeit a year late, and I...well, I got to do what's becoming a favorite pastime of mine - poking holes in the inflated egos corporations and marketers with word pins.