And they're like assholes.
I'll keep this short. I realize that lately this topic has not been in the forefront of debate while other, more pressing issues have understandably taken center stage. We have an ongoing economic crisis the likes of which a majority of our generation has never experienced before. We have political infighting that will likely change the course of our country as the two major parties splinter in varying degrees toward the left and right. We are participating in - some would say perpetuating - global hostility. Gas prices up, stock markets down. Food prices up, housing market down. Taxes creep higher, yet we can't afford basic services, let alone basic cable. We have national security issues. We have Social Security issues. And as problems continue to grow for this great nation, we must not ignore existing problems or shunt them off the main track. And, indeed, one of them has slowly been fading from our view.
Borders being closed around the U.S.
I'm against it.
I don't believe this country should allow an action to take place that could have an adverse affect on the whole of society. Borders should remain open to stimulate job growth and spending. Borders should remain open because the people available to perform the labor directly related to them being open are people working in low wage, low benefit jobs that a majority of Americans would see as beneath them.
I believe it's time for the government to take a stand and promote the very tenets that made the United States an envy across the seas. This country a place synonymous with new beginnings, a place so desirous that inhabitants from other lands and cultures would risk everything they had to come here, to America, to achieve a dream and have a life. We need to show the world, and ourselves, that we can still be a power to be reckoned even if a weak link needs to be supported in order to maintain what is an integral part of our nation's backbone...
Economic Competition.
The U.S. government found $700 billion to help bail out
the banking industry, keeping them solvent and competitive.
Surely they can find a few million to keep our Borders open.
What did you think I was talking about?
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